Upcoming Events
Reseda Lodge's Birthday Dinner at Lulu’s Restaurant
We will meet at Lulu’s Restaurant on 16900 Roscoe Blvd Van Nuys 91406

Reseda’s All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast
Reseda’s Famous All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast!
$12 Adults $9 kids 12 and under
Come support our Youth Orders and enjoy our famous pancakes, French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage!

Masonic Education Night: Bro. Tuoc Pham: Masonic Numerology & Arithmomancy
Masonic Education Night: Bro. Tuoc Pham: Masonic Numerology & Arithmomancy
"Come and explore the numerology, the ciphers, and arithmomancy of the Masons, the storied Fraternity who throughout the ages have opened their Temple of universal morality, suited to the inhabitant of every country, to the man of every creed and country."
Refreshments to follow
Open to Masons, friends and family
Casual Dress

First Degree Practice, GL Officers Reception (Copy)
First Degree Practice, GL Officers Reception
Open to all Masons
Casual Dress

First Degree Practice, GL Officers Reception
First Degree Practice, GL Officers Reception
Open to all Masons
Casual Dress

Reseda’s All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast
Reseda’s Famous Pancake Breakfast!
Admission is $10 for adults and $7 for children. All proceeds go to the Masonic Youth Groups.

March Stated Meeting and Dinner
Open to Masons, Friends and Family
Dinner at 6:45PM
Meal options are Corned Beef, Salmon, or Vegetarian (Vegan upon request)
Meeting at 7:30PM
Dress code is business formal
Please RSVP on Discord or by texting or calling 818-576-9025 with your headcount and meal choices

February Stated Meeting
Open to Masons, Friends and Family
Dinner at 6:45PM Meal options are Chicken Parmesan, Salmon, or Vegetarian (Vegan upon request)
Meeting at 7:30PM
Dress code is business formal
Please RSVP on Discord or by texting or calling 818-576-9025 with your headcount and meal choices

Officers and Past Masters Photos and 2025 Planning Committee
Officers and Past Masters, please attend in Tuxedos.
All brothers are welcome to attend the planning committee.


Annual Installation of Officers
RSVP with your meal choices here . Meal options are; Birria, Salmon and Vegetarian.
Please mark your calendars for Saturday January 4th, 2025 for our Installation of Officers. Reception at 11 AM, Ceremony at 12 noon, and a delicious meal by Javier de la Torre to follow.
We will have the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Art Salazar as Installing Chaplain, with Wor. Kevin Anderson, PM as Master of Ceremonies, and Wor. William Malouf, PM as Installing Chaplain. Bro. Jason C. Miller will sing the Star Spangled Banner while Hollywood DeMolay presents the flag.

January Stated Meeting
Dinner at 6:45pm
Meal options TBD
Meeting at 7:30pm
Education by Worshipful Paul Russell
(CANCELLED) 2025 Officers Photos
The event on Thursday is cancelled due to the photographer being sick. Updates on new meeting day and time to come.
We will have a photo night for the 2025 Officers line and for all Past Masters who can attend and wish to be part of the photos. We will also have some ideation and committee and event development for 2025 where all brethren can contribute. All officers and past masters in attendance wishing to have photos taken must wear tuxedos. Note that this meeting on December 12th will start at 7pm.

December Stated Meeting and Stated Meeting Dinner
Dinner at 6:45pm
Meal options are Roast Beef, Salmon, and Vegetarian. Vegan available upon advanced request.
Meeting at 7:30pm
Dress code is tuxes for officers and suits for others.
Please RSVP on Discord or by phone with the Master.

Reseda's All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast
Please join us on Sunday November 24th, 2024 for Reseda's All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast! Open to everyone (Masons and Non-Masons).
$10 Adults. $7 Kids.
All proceeds are given to the youth groups.

OSI - Reseda Lodge 666 - Late Officers Qualifications
WE will be hosting this OSI where any Officers in our district that have not qualified can perform qualifications.
This is ONLY mandatory for Officers that still need to qualify.
NOTE: this event is at 7:00 PM

Reseda Lodge & Widow's Sons Youth Order Fundraiser BBQ and Car/Bike Show
From the Master:
We have a joint event with the Widow’s Sons on Oct 19 at the Van Nuys Masonic Building from 10:00am to 2:00pm.
The event is a BBQ and Car/Bike Show, and we are asking for participation to collect funds for the Youth Orders once again.
Come out and support the BBQ or just donate online. Please let me know if you are willing to take part in the Car/Bike Show.

October Stated Meeting and Stated Meeting Dinner
Dinner at 6:45pm
Meeting at 7:30pm
Food options are the following: Tri Tip, Salmon, and Vegetarian.
Masonic Education by Wor. Shampay: The Tracing Boards.
Dress code is polos or Hawaiian shirts.
Have a safe week and see you Thursday!
Please RSVP on Discord or by phone with the Master.

Star Party at Moorpark College Observatory
NOTE: This event on Saturday will be in place of our September social. We will NOT be meeting on Thursday, September 26th.
The observatory is at 7075 Campus Road Moorpark, CA 93021.
Contact Worshipful Joel Castro at (323) 395-1799 for coordination and questions.

OSI - Hosted by Clarence F. Smith Daylight Lodge (3rd Degree 2nd Section)
Clarence F. Smith will be performing the 2nd section of the 3rd degree.
Attendance is mandatory for officers. If you cannot attend let the Master or Officer's Coach know.
NOTE that this event is on SATURDAY at 10:00 AM

September Stated Meeting and Potluck
Dinner at 6:45pm
Meeting at 7:30pm
We will be having our annual potluck for dinner. The lodge will provide the main dish.
Please bring a side dish from the categories below that your last name falls in:
A-F = Desserts
G-N = Vegetables or Fruit
O-Z = Salads or Other Side Dish
Dress code is polos or Hawaiian shirts. Have a safe week and see you Thursday!